
Low emissions white cement thanks to nano-technology

Study on a new clinker manufactured with the aid of nanomaterials and of new and advanced solutions for the conduction of a process aiming at the development of an innovative high performing white cement for special applications.

The research project Colacem presented to the Umbria Region, was approved and financed on June 1st, 2016 . It is the first time a company carries out a similar project in the Italian industrial sector: research activities - aimed at improving the quality and performance in terms of environmental sustainability of white clinker produced by Colacem in the Ghigiano production site -, will be conducted in Gubbio in cooperation with the University of Perugia.

The project entails a total expenditure of over 400.000 Euros, 125.750 of which to be financed by the Umbria Region.

The research activity will be focused on the use of nano-particles raw materials containing CaO and /or SiO2 in order to improve the firing performance of the raw meal currently used in the production of white clinker and, therefore, of white cements. Improved firing performances will result in a lower specific consumption and, consequently, in a reduction of carbon dioxide specific emissions. In addition, the use of other fluidizers will be reduced with a very positive effect on the physical and mechanical performances of white cement.

The Regional Fund for productive activities and POR FESR 2014-2020. Axis  I Action  1.1.1. Approval of tender for the support to industrial projects and experimental development. – 2015

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